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Life Coach, Career Coach, Executive Coaching, Personal Coach, New York, NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia

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What people are saying about Meredith Haberfeld Our business is growing, my employees are happier and I am thankful to Meredith. I recommend Meredith to.

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Meredith has successfully coached entrepreneurs, as well as senior executives at leading institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Forbes, JP Morgan Chase, Credit Suisse, FuseTV and the World Health Organization. Business leaders doing executive coaching with Meredith have experienced measurable leaps in business results, satisfaction, productivity, wealth, and happiness.

Meredith is acclaimed for her work as a life coach and personal coach working with individuals, couples, and families in designing and living extraordinary lives.  She has been featured as an expert in a myriad of magazines and on TV.

Areas of focus include improving communication in and out of work, creating work-life balance, building self-trust and confidence,  navigating family matters and relationship issues, finding loving life partner and building deep fulfillment and personal satisfaction.

Meredith s career coaching clients end up in deeply satisfying positions that are a reflection of their underlying desire and values; whether they came to get clarity about a career change, to grow within their current industry, or simply to find a new position.  Meredith asks the right questions to have clients effectively hone and crystallize their desires, balance priorities, do critical fact finding, build a powerful personal network, and develop key leadership and communication skills to quickly move into a role that thoroughly satisfies and stretches them to be at their best.

Take the step to find out contact Meredith Haberfeld

We work in person and via phone and have clients across the US, UK and Europe

Meredith Haberfeld is a Life Coach, Personal Coach, Executive Coach and Career Coach specializing in coaching executives and entrepreneurs. She helps people with career choices  and career development, business growth and management, relationships,work life balance, body, finances, along with spirituality and happiness so they can live a more fulfilled life.  She works with clients around the world including New York City NYC, New Jersey NJ, Westchester NY, Connecticut CT, California CA, Pennsylvania PA, Los Angeles LA, Wisconsin WI, Chicago CHI, Boston BOS, Las Vegas LAS, London and Canada.

What people are saying about Meredith Haberfeld Coaching

In view of my retirement after 38 years of active duty for Royal Philips Electronics in various postings around the globe, my life coach Meredith supported me through the process of preparing me for this major change in my life. I had not planned for my retirement comprehensively enough; Meredith basically challenged me in a constructive way to develop my next phase, my next career, looking to balance what really makes me tick as a professional with my personal aspirations, also as a family man. My retirement could have been a black hole ; instead it is proving to be a rich phase of my life, with a renewed relationship with my family and being able to continue to contribute to society. It is all about developing a sense for another legacy.

Paul Zeven, former CEO Philips North America, New York and Europe

Working with my Life Coach has been a profoundly transformative experience for me.  After years of trying various therapists, and always leaving sessions feeling like I never got anywhere, I wanted to try Life Coaching.  With my Life Coach, I feel I have made more progress in a few sessions than I ever made in years of trying therapy.  My Life Coach has a way of asking me questions that help me discover the real truth of things.  I used to be mostly incapable of speaking up for myself, and now I really own my communication with people.  My experience of life is so much more positive, joyful and fulfilling.  Now I am learning to be strong in the face of fear, and am beginning to make my entrepreneurial dreams come true.  My perspective on life is forever changed, and I am truly grateful to my Lifecoach for that.

Jodie S, Entrepreneur and Mom, San Francisco, California

I came to Meredith with very little direction about my career and a lot of stress about all the career choices in front of me.  I was making myself wrong for not knowing what I wanted to do with my career and I was not taking any actions, but rather I was feeling a sense of inertia and frustration to say the least.  Working with my career coach has been an truly eye-opening experience.  In career coaching I stopped thinking and started taking actions, I realized it is OK to be where I am and that I do not have to have it all together this game me a lot of space to explore.  I am now confidently settled on my next career choice and the voices of self-doubt have been put aside.  thank you to my career coach and for this career coaching experience.

Claire D, Marketing Manager, NYC, New York

I looked for an executive coach for a while, trying  a few others along the way.  While my first attempts to work with an executive coach were not great fits, working with Meredith has been a profound experience.  She has challenged me, helped me create structure and accountability to myself and with my team.  Our business is growing, my employees are happier and I am thankful to my executive coach Meredith.  I recommend executive coaching with Meredith to anybody who wants to improve their life and their bottom line.

Jim B, Entrepreneur/Executive, Los Angeles, California

My Life Coach helped me to see the complexities of my life in plain terms, understand them, and feel empowered to work on improving them through reasonable, pragmatic exercises.

My Lifecoach helped me identify the true motivations behind my thoughts and actions and built his framework for coaching around them. His approach was respectful of my nature, but never timid. We were very candid with one another. We debated, discussed and analyzed openly and comfortably and reached many new conclusions together.

Throughout my Life Coaching experience, I was accountable to my Life Coach and had to update him as often as we agreed was necessary between sessions on my progress. He was always quick to respond to me and was there when I needed him.

Jeff F, Architect, New York and Canada

I highly recommend Life Coaching and even moreso I recommend Meredith.  My Life Coach Meredith has a unique combination of analytical skills, insight, and heart that make her an effective life coach. Anyone would be lucky to work with her and draw from her inspiration and wisdom to find improvement within themselves.

Alison G, Attorney, NYC, New York

I worked with a Personal Coach from the Meredith Haberfeld Coaching.  The best thing about my Personal Coach is her talent to not forcing you to tackle every single issue, but rather understanding which ones should be attacked first

My Life Coach was a true change agent.  Life Coaching with Meredith helped me with my business to create real positive results on personal and business growth.

Thank you for helping me get in touch with my true self again I can t believe how tightly wrapped up I had gotten in this awful web I just wanted to get out but didn t know quite how to let go.  I felt that endorphin free feeling in my heart that I can remember only feeling in particular times in my life that were all so long ago

April P, Physical Therapist, Los Angeles, California.